What is Subjection?
Ephesians 5:22, introduces the concept that Christians are required to be in “subjection” to each other.
The word translated “subjection” is a Greek word that is ordinarily used to describe soldiers who are under authority in a military sense.
In the above context Christians are to view other Christians as being superior in rank (whether they are or not).
The word “subjection” is next used as a directive towards wives. They are to be in “subjection” to their husbands.
It is important at this point to see what the requirements are towards children and bond-servants. Children are supposed to be “obedient” to their parents and bond-servants are supposed to be “obedient” to their masters.
Here’s the point about wives… they are not children and they are not servants. They are not required to be in “obedience” to their husbands they are supposed to be in “subjection”. That’s important because some husbands can get those two things confused.
Note that “subjection” is based on “love”. Christ first “loved” the church and she (the church) “subjected” herself to him. Same thing in marriage, the husband “loves “ his wife and because of that love she willingly agrees to “subject” herself to him and respect his headship.
Also note that the word “fear” modifies both “subjection” and obedience as it concerns Christians, wives and bond-servants. When you read “fear” think “respect”.
Why is that word used. I’ll tell you why. It’s not fake “subjection” it’s real “subjection”. Sometimes people can fake when Jesus wants it to be real (from the heart).
Without real “subjection” and real “love” the marital relationship cannot become what God intended for it to be.
God promises great blessings to those who follow his directives. Have a little faith, follow the recipe… do your part and God will do his part.