Pray for the Holy Spirit Luke 11:13

Luke chapter 11 begins with Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray. He first gives them the initial form of prayer and then he teaches some concepts about prayer.
The first concept about our prayers is a comparison of asking our neighbors for something and asking God for something. Sometimes we almost have to beg our earthly friends to do something for us but God is not like that… he will willingly answer our prayer requests.
The second concept is the value of the thing requested in prayer. Parents will willingly give and address their children’s physical needs. God however will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him.
That raises several questions… We can ask for the Holy Spirit? Who would even think to ask for the Holy Spirit? And just what are we asking for?
Right on the heels of this teaching, Jesus casts out a demon, i.e. an evil spiritual being. This isn’t just some random story Jesus decides to tell. There is a connection.
In verse 24, Jesus describes a man who had an evil spirit in him and the evil spirit decides to leave and find another human to live in. He can’t find one so he decides to go back home to the human he used to live in and takes seven other evil or unclean spirits to go with him. Jesus concludes that the last state of the man is worse than the first state.
Who would ask God for the Holy Spirit? Perhaps some poor soul who had an evil spirit.
You see, the demon decided to leave the man on his own accord. He was looking for another place to live. The man had not done anything to get rid of the demon or made any change his life to prevent demon possession.
Including, having faith in God and manifesting that faith by praying for God’s protection in the form of the Holy Spirit. Without God's help the unfortunate man was at the mercy of demons.
This dovetail sweetly with Ephesians 1:13-14… “In whom, having also believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is an earnest of our inheritance, unto the redemption of God’s own possession, unto the praise of his glory.”
Once we believe, God seals us with the Holy Spirit. A seal is an identifying stamp. What is its purpose? It’s a no trespassing sign for Satan. It is also a down payment of our inheritance which when fully paid is life eternal with God.
Have faith in God. Pray to him because he will answer and he can give greater gifts than can be found on earth. Then… you won’t have to worry about Satan.

Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman


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