Baptism in the Holy Spirit and in Fire
In Luke 3:16-17, John the Baptist after baptizing the people in water promised that Jesus Christi would baptize them in the Holy Spirit and in Fire.
John explained what these two baptisms were by comparing them to an agricultural harvest. Harvested grain was scattered over a “threshing” floor and the grain would be threshed to separate the grain from the chaff or hull. Then the grain would stored in a barn and the chaff would be burned up.
The grain are God’s faithful people, the chaff are the unfaithful. The thresher is Jesus Christ.
This sort of reference when applied to humanity must refer to a separation of people… the good being “stored” or gathered into Heaven and the bad being “burned” or destroyed with “unquenchable” fire and being consigned to Hell.
Therefore, within this context, “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” must refer primarily to the faithful being gathered into Heaven and the process that ends in that event. And “Baptism in Fire” must refer to God’s punishment of the unfaithful.
God’s blessings begin with baptism and end (so to speak) with eternal life.
God’s curses begin with being outside of God’s family and end with eternal punishment.
Acts 2:38, “Repent and be baptized … in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”.