Last Letters

Near the end of the Apostle Peter’s life he sat down and composed a letter to a group of Christians. The letter wasn’t about himself or really anything about his life. It was about encouraging them to keep the faith so that they could inherit eternity.
Recently Julie and I were on an airliner and we were going through some rough weather and the pilot announced we were low on fuel and he was going to have to divert to another airport. As we were going through that rough weather I considered that this might be my last day on earth so I opened up the messages on my IPhone and started composing my last words to our children.
Peter’s last words to his spiritual children were to get busy and be diligent about developing their Christian character. He also warned them about false teachers who might lead them down the wrong path and shipwreck their faith.
He told them not to worry but to have confidence in God and if they would follow the path he had set out for them all would be well.
When I was on that airplane my last words to my children were about how proud their mother and I were of them and to tell our grandchildren how much we loved them. I told them to do their part in keeping our family strong and cohesive and lastly I told them to trust in God… to study his word everyday and to lead their lives by it.
I’m sure the people Peter wrote these words to were friends of his and that at his death they remembered his last words to them and treasured them. We should also treasure Peter’s last words and hold them dear to our hearts and not be lazy in our faith but to get busy. Those are timely words just like the words of a father to his children.
I hope God blesses each and every one of you.

Unforgivable Sins


Angels from God