Evangelism Cap

This is a raccoon skin cap that I like to wear when it gets really cold. It draws a lot of attention because it is made from a real raccoon and the hat maker preserved the coons features on it (even the ears). Today after visiting some members Larry, Scott and I went to Starbucks before the evening services to drink a cup of coffee. A young couple walked in and the young man said, "that's an incredible hat". I let him try it on and his fiance took a picture. I introduced Scott and Larry and mentioned something about church. He asked where we went to church and I told him and asked him where he went to church? He said with a sad look on his face that they weren't going anywhere. I invited him to visit us at Parkway. He agreed. Sometimes you need a prop to start a conversation. Once the conversation is started you can usually figure out a way to turn it to God. Anyway now I call this cap my "Evangelism Cap".

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