Righteous Not Perfect

In Genesis 18 & 19 we read of events leading to and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham had done some negotiating with God and God had agreed not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if just 10 righteous people could be found in those cities.
Unfortunately only four could be found; Lot, his wife and their two daughters. It would be a mistake however to equate their righteousness with faultlessness. Lot doubted God’s instruction to leave Sodom and wanted to stay. Lot’s wife violated the angel’s instruction not to look back and was turned into a pillar of salt. The two daughters got their father drunk and got pregnant by him so they could have children.
Lot and his family were righteous and were saved by God from destruction in spite of their weaknesses and that should be very comforting for people like you and me. God isn’t going to rain “fire and brimstone” upon us for the occasional weakness that might sprout up in our lives. Try to be righteous. All God has ever wanted from us is our best effort and the right attitude.

Remarks from Gary Homan's Funeral


The Sabbath and the Lord's Day