We Sin Everyday?

I was listening to the radio the other day and the host was having a discussion with a Catholic priest who made the comment that all men sin every day. That’s not the first time I’ve heard that sentiment stated.
I guess the problem that I have with that idea is that as Christians we are supposed to be transforming ourselves into Jesus Christ. Jesus never ever sinned… not once and we’re supposed to be just like him.
I would think that a Christian should be able to go one day without sin. In fact, that should be our goal each and every day to live the upcoming day with absolutely no sin. And then we should be able to add another day without sin and then another and another until sin becomes a very minor aspect of our life.
I think I understand why some people say we sin every day. They are expressing a type of meekness and unworthiness before God. For me at the end of the day I want to be able to review my actions and hopefully find that I have not sinned and jump for joy at that achievement and for the joy of finding myself more and more like Jesus Christ. Because when I can do that God is also jumping for joy.

Remembering Jesus


God's Absolute Love