Wear your Best for the Lord?
There’s a misguided concept among some Christians that when we come to worship services we should wear the best we have to honor God. Let’s think about that.
In 1 Timothy 2:9-10, the scripture states that Christian women should not be dressed with “gold and pearls, expensive clothing and braided hair but rather modestly that her good works might shine”. That verse, by the way, is not gender specific. The man should not be dressed in extravagant suits and ties and expensive things either. Why is that? Because expensive and extravagant dress, mask what we should really be showing… good works and humility.
Consider James 2:1-3, a man comes into the assembly “with a gold ring and fine clothing”. What happens? Brethern, impressed with what he looks like externally, honor that man and neglect the man who looks poor and we become respecters and profilers of God’s children.
I know for a fact that visitors have come into our congregation and felt like they couldn’t fit in with the church people because they felt different because they looked different.
God doesn’t want us to honor him with our clothing he wants us to honor him our hearts. Don’t hide who you are with expensive and extravagant clothing… because that’s all that some people can see.