Elder Qualities

I’ve been studying the qualifications for Elders recently and thought it might be a good exercise based upon those studies to write down a few qualities that I would like to see in an Elder.
1. Someone who is a skilled and effective Bible teacher who inspires me with their knowledge and wisdom.
2. Someone who is not selfish but lives to help others.
3. Someone who can listen to both sides of an issue.
4. Someone who inspires me with their prayers.
5. Someone who sacrifices everything for the benefit of the congregation.
6. Someone who knows me and demonstrates personal concern and love for me.
7. Someone who has a marriage that inspires me and whose children love and respect them.
8. Someone who cares about the lost.
9. Someone who I can laugh and cry with.
10. Someone who I look up to and would like to be like.
11. Someone who believes the best about everyone.

Eldership: Understanding the Qualifications


My Mother