God Has a Plan For Me

There was a fellow who did amazing things in the New Testament and the people who saw these amazing things attributed them to the “power of God which is called great” but they were wrong.
The person who did “amazing” things was Simon the Sorcerer of Samaria (Acts 8). Simon did his amazing things through the power of Satan. His motivation was power and money.
I see people today who, no matter what happens, be it great tragedy or great fortune attribute what has happened to God. “God has a plan for me”. “It was God’s will”. “God wants me to be happy”. God. God. God.
The people in Samaria were fooled by Simon’s sorcery and thought his power came from God. Their problem was they didn’t understand the character and nature of God and were fooled by their own ignorance.
2 Corinthians 11:13-14…
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
If you want to know who is working in your life make sure you know who God is through the dedicated study of his word. Otherwise Satan, who has a plan for you, will make a fool of you.

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