Why God Doesn't Answer Prayer. Isaiah 58

In Isaiah 58, God’s people are described as being eager to know and understand God. They prayed to Him every day. They prepared themselves for prayer by fasting and humbled themselves even in their clothing by wearing sack cloth and ashes. And yet they noticed and complained that God was not listening to their prayers and they didn’t understand why.
God reveals that he was ignoring their prayers because they were ignoring Him. Among other things they were not keeping the Sabbath Holy. They were doing whatever they wanted to on the Lord’s Day. In addition, they were ignoring the needs of others and only taking care of themselves.
It’s not enough just to pray every day and have the proper form of prayer. Something else is needed… obedience.
How about today? Does going to church mean anything? Is it easy to miss church services for any reason? Are we keeping ourselves sexually pure? Are we looking to help others who have needs? Do we dishonor God in our speech?
Don’t expect God to listen to your prayers without first listening to what God has to say. The communication goes both ways. Listen to God and obey him and your prayers will be answered bountifully.

Reasons Why God Doesn’t Answer Prayer (James 4:3)


Reasons Why God Doesn’t Answer Prayer