Thank-you, almighty God, for granting me another day to breathe on this earth, to feel the sun on my body and to look upon your wonderful creation.
I think I lived sin free yesterday. Did I honor you yesterday? I did say some encouraging words to someone who was down hearted. Please examine my heart and if you find some impurity bring it to my attention. Help me to live this day without sin and to live honorably in your sight. Be with my mother and with Julie’s mother. Thank you for your power of healing that you’ve granted to my cousin Mark.
Thank you for my wife and all of my family.
Thank you for bringing Walker and Jo-Len together and for blessing them and me with their children. Protect my grand-daughters. Thank you for blessing my daughter with a man of faith.
Be with my brother who is struggling to become a man of faith. Thank you for David and Gus as we work to lead the congregation. Bless us with wisdom and insight.
Help me to be a better teacher. Help me Lord as I study to increase my knowledge and give me vision to see what is revealed in them. Bless me with wisdom and spiritual insight.
Say hello to all my loved ones and tell my father that I love and miss him. Thank you for Jesus Christ who has meant everything to me. It’s because of his blood that I’m your son and it is in his name that I pray.