God Hates Divorce (Malachi 2:10-12)

Malachi 2:10-12 reveals to us that God hates divorce. That’s not like me hating Beets. I do hate beets and refuse to eat them but when God hates something he goes a step further… he punishes the Beets (so to speak).
Malachi reveals that the people were weeping and wailing because God didn’t pay attention to their prayers or favor them with blessings. They were perplexed because God was not being a “God” to them. The reason for this was because God was a witness when marriage vows were exchanged and they were breaking their vows and divorcing each other. God is faithful as a witness.
Something that is lost in wedding ceremonies today is the fact that the guests are there to witness vows and hold the married couple accountable to their vows so that when the day comes when a young couple are considering divorcing and breaking their vows the human witnesses can remind them of what was done and said on their wedding day.
God is faithful and accountable as a witness… he punishes people when they divorce. Their lives are not full of blessings.
I hate Beets and won’t eat them but I don’t go out and find a field of Beets and hoe them down. If God hated Beets that’s what he would do. Honor your vows. Don’t divorce so you won’t end up like a field of hoed up Beets.

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