Parable of the Bad Farmer

There was a farmer who inherited his Dad's farm after his Dad passed away. His Dad loved farming and hard work and made a good crop every year. The son however didn’t share his dad’s love or passion for farming. Oh… he liked being called a farmer but instead of spending his time out in the fields he liked to dress up in his boots and hat and go down to the coffee shop and talk with some of the other farmers. He also liked big shiny tractors so he traded in his Dad’s old tractor for a newer model with air conditioning and GPS. He didn’t really care too much if his crops failed because he had crop insurance. In fact since crop insurance would return about 75% of the estimated value of the crop… instead of praying for rain he would pray that it didn’t rain. He could live on the 75%. He wasn’t the farmer his dad was.
The Lord’s church needs leaders who love the church like Christ loved the church. The church needs leaders who are innovative and actively engaged and have a passion for servant leadership. You can grow a good crop with the right kind of leadership.

Opened Eyes


Prejudice in the Early Church