The Old Testament in Romans

I find it interesting that the letter to the Romans contains more than 60 quotations from the Old Testament. That is interesting because the majority of Christians in Rome were from a non-Jewish back ground. And yet Paul makes extensive use of the Old Testament to a people who were totally ignorant of the Old Testament before they were introduced to Jesus Christ.
For comparisons sake we usually say that the Gospel of Matthew was written to a Jewish audience because it contains 64 references to the Old Testament. That makes sense because the Jews knew the Old Testament.
I submit to you that the reason Paul used so many references from the Old Testament to the Roman Christians was because they were very familiar with it… they were converted to Christianity through the teaching of the Old Testament. In fact, when the Gospel is referenced in Romans 1:16 it is referencing the Gospel (or good news of salvation) revealed in the Old Testament.
The “righteousness of God” (Ro. 1:17) that is revealed from “faith unto faith” is revealed in the Old Testament as God dealt righteously with faithful men like Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, etc.
The “wrath of God” (Ro.1:18) that is “revealed from Heaven” is revealed in the Old Testament as God dealt with righteous wrath against Sodom and Gomorrah, Egypt, the destruction of Jerusalem, etc.
Paul uses over 60 quotations from the Old Testament when he writes the Roman Christians because they had been taught extensively in it. The stories of the Old Testament were their stories, the heroes of the Old Testament were their heroes. Abraham was their father and Sarah was their mother.
Sometimes, in my opinion, we over emphasize the New Testament and under emphasize the Old Testament and relegate it to children’s classes. To do so would be a mistake. After all, the faith of the Romans that was famous world-wide was based upon the teachings concerning the good news of salvation found in the Old Testament.

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