Jesus Lives

My office manager told me she was impressed when she was stuck in traffic the other day. She saw a homeless guy sitting in a parking lot and a car drove up to him and the driver got out and gave the homeless guy a Whataburger meal. It touched her heart.
Julie told me she was stuck in traffic for a while and she witnessed a man arguing with a woman and getting physical with her. The woman kept pulling away but the man kept grabbing her. Finally when Julie’s car moved up she rolled down the window and said “Honey… do you need a ride?” The woman gratefully got in the car and explained to Julie that the guy was an ex boy-friend who was stalking her. Julie drove her to where she could meet up with her mother. I asked Julie if she was afraid and she said no because she didn’t think the guy would do anything with all the onlookers.
I wish I was the guy who had stopped and gave the guy the hamburger but I’m proud that my wife was the one who helped the woman. Jesus Lives!

Precious Memories


Galations Intro