The Problem with Grass Burs
I’m in the middle of a big Grass Bur problem at my house right now. It’s because when it was a little problem I ignored it. Now it’s a big problem. I started attacking the problem a year ago. I take my wheel barrow and a shovel and walk two acres searching for the little weeds. I’ve gotten where I can identify the plant without its characteristic bur but I’m so obsessed with getting rid of them that anything that even resembles a Grass bur plant gets dug up.
I have two or three “hot spots’ in my yard where they have taken over. On these areas I spray the whole area with Roundup herbicide spray… but it kills everything. This year I have cleared up certain areas of my yard and I can focus on the few areas left. I see that it’s going to be about a three year process but really I’m going to have to pay attention to them in perpetuity because when I drive into my back gate I invariably will bring in Grass Burs from the wild and untamed areas behind my property.
Grass Burs are a lot like sin. - Grass Burs make my life miserable… so does sin - Sin, like Grass Burs, if ignored when small can become huge. - Sometimes Sin, like Grass Burs, reaches a critical mass before you decide to do something about it and then it’s a lot of trouble to bring under control. - Grass Burs are easy to recognize by the fruit it produces… the bur. Sin is easy to recognize by the fruit it produces. Learn to recognize the “plant” early and “weed” it out of your life before it produces that un-godly fruit. - Sometimes you are so surrounded by sin that you have to use a “Sin Herbicide”. That means you have to get completely away from your un-godly friends and family and surround yourself with the kind of people who are good for you. - You may have sin totally controlled in your life but we live in an un-godly world and if you are not vigilant you’ll carry those little grass Burs home with you.To control Grass Burs you have to be a little obsessed with getting rid of them… be obsessed with eradicating sin from your life. It makes life so much sweeter.