1 Corinthians 1-6. “A Failure in Judgment”

These first six chapters in 1 Corinthians highlight three cases of failed judgment. First, the Corinthian Christians had used improper judgment in judging Paul to be an inferior teacher. Secondly, in their focusing on judging teachers an elephant had sat on them… they had failed to judge a case of obscene sexual misconduct within the congregation. Lastly, they had abrogated their responsibility to judge the smallest of civil disagreements, that they had with each other, to Pagan judges… judges who in their wise judgment had judged the story of Jesus to be a fairy tale (so to speak). Even the most biblically ignorant people carry one Bible verse in their pocket… judge not so that you won’t be judged. And yet Paul corrects the Corinthians for their failure to judge properly… which verses are right? The correct answer would be both of them. Congregations of Jesus Christ have the responsibility to hold each other accountable to the commandments of Christ but not hypocritically. Proper judgment is to judge ourselves first and with that humble spirit help others correct their improper behaviors so that they can be acceptable to Christ.

Marriage Enrichment


Marked for Death (revised)