Lead Wisely

Proverbs 31:1-9. This section of scripture contains words (chosen by the Holy Spirit) that are the words of a mother giving advice to her son who is a King… King Lemuel. She tells him (among other things) not to drink “wine or strong drink”. The reason is that the King might forget what has been decreed in the laws of the land and give a judgment that is incorrect and oppresses the innocent. She does not warn him not to get drunk but to avoid “wine and strong drink”. The text goes on to say that “wine and strong drink” has its place. Namely, to aid those who are dying and need relief from pain and to help those who are in “bitter distress” We’re a little short on Kings nowadays but I think these verses have application for leaders of the family. Fathers/husbands, after all, have the responsibility to lead the family and to make wise decisions for their families. Leading a family is a man’s greatest responsibility it is given to him by God. Anything that might compromise that responsibility including “wine and strong” drink should be avoided so that we don’t displease God and bring harm to our families. Husbands listen closely to the wise words of King Lemuel’s mother and lead your families wisely.

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