Problems with the Disciples

Jesus had a big problem… his disciples. He had chosen them, lived with them, instructed them and prepared them for the day when they would be without him but even on the brink of his crucifixion they still a nagging issue that plagued them. Let’s look at the record to see what the issue was. The day after Jesus was Transfigured on the mountain the disciples were arguing with each other about which one of them was the greatest. To be fair, Jesus might have played a role in that. After all he invited only Peter, James and John to go up on the mountain with him. Nevertheless, Jesus on this occasion taught the disciples that if they truly wanted to be great they would have to be servants to each other. It didn’t really sink in. A few days later two of the Transfiguration attendants, James and John, approached Jesus and asked for the two highest of positions in Jesus’ Kingdom… to sit at his right and left sides. When the other disciples heard about this they became very indignant. Jesus again calmed the storm by stating that if they wanted to be great they had to serve each other. Still it didn’t really sink in. At the Last Supper when Jesus informed them that one of them would betray him they started wondering who it might be and then that discussion morphed into a discussion on… you guessed it… who would be the greatest… Division and acrimony between the disciples just days before he would be crucified. Again Jesus answered with his same answer. If you want to be great then you must learn to be servants. But then Jesus did something truly magnificent. He got on his hands and knees and washed twelve pair of feet. What words alone had not been able previously to accomplish was accomplished now with words reinforced by action. Never again would the disciples argue about who was the greatest. Finally Jesus was able to pray to the Father that his disciples would have a oneness with each other that mimicked the oneness between Jesus the Son and God the Father. A oneness that would be the primary evidence that Jesus came from God. Imagine, if the disciples had been continually trying to one up each other and to exert authority over each other, what the church would look like. Thank God for his transforming message and its effect on his Apostles.

Good Neighbors: Borrowing and Lending


Big Weekend... Very Big.