Non-Saving Faith

John 12:42-50 describes an interesting situation… some of the Jewish leaders believed in Jesus and had faith in him but would not “confess their faith”. They were afraid of the consequences that would come from confessing faith in Jesus, i.e. they would be unable to participate in Synagogue activities. Later in the text Jesus says that those who do not “confess their faith”… will be condemned in the last day. Imagine losing salvation because you love the Synagogue and its activities. Don’t be fooled by the people who say you are saved by “belief only” or “faith only”. Jesus said you must be willing to confess your faith to be saved. The text explains that “confessing faith” is the same as “keeping the words” that Jesus teaches. Confess your faith by living the teachings of Jesus and receive Eternal Life. Have belief and faith and live how you want to live and receive Eternal Condemnation.

Big Weekend... Very Big.


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