Linda Magana Funeral

I had the opportunity this morning to attend the funeral of Linda Magana at Kostoryz Road Church of Christ. Linda was 58 years old… same as me. I didn’t know her very well but know her parents, Salvador & Ruth Magana, quite well. Of course Ruth and her daughter Doris were members at Parkway many years ago.
I love the Hispanic culture. I love the South Texas ranching culture, the Mariachi bands, the food, the people and the pride that they take in their heritage. I like listening to Tex-Mex as it flows from Spanish to English in the same conversation. There was standing room only at the funeral today. I got to see a lot of old friends some of whom have been members at Parkway like Tony & Sulema Vasquez and Adolfo & Yole Lerma and Raul & Gina Torres. I got to see some of our friends from Cheyenne street Church of Christ like Luis & Sylvia Torres and Jesse & Ophelia Guzman… and many others. I got to see Eddie “Poncho” Rodriguez who preaches at Norton Street Church of Christ.
I also like that at Parkway we have Anglo, Hispanic, Black and Asian people. For me it illustrates what God’s Word does… it makes it so that people don’t look at the outside physical characteristics but inwardly at the hearts of people. That’s how God looks at people and that’s how God’s children look at each other. It’s a wonderful testimony to Christ’s deity… the miracle of changed lives. I’m glad I got to go. God bless the Lord’s church and God bless the Magana family.

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