A man invited a woman to marry him. He told her that he expected to be the head of their family and that if she accepted his invitation she would have to respect his headship. In return he promised to take care of all her needs even if it meant working two or three jobs to do so and doing without himself… he would take care of her first.
She accepted his invitation and they were married. Through the years many trials assaulted their union but she remained faithful to him and he loved and provided for her. They became “one” in every sense of the word.
The man was Jesus. The wife was humanity. She was blemished and not pretty but Jesus saw the potential for true beauty in her. He washed all her sins away with his own blood and she became a pure and beautiful wife to him. Satan assaulted their marriage but even the “Gates of Hell could not prevail” against their union.
Jesus still offers the invitation to be transformed into something pure and beautiful. Accept his conditions and begin the process.