The Parable of the Lost Dog

An older widow woman had lost her dog. She had had that dog since it was a puppy. It had been with her when her husband got sick and after he died. When she got home from the funeral she sat on the couch and cried her eyes out. That little dog snuggled up to her and was a great comfort during her sorrow… and now it was gone. So she started walking the streets looking for it. She knocked on all her neighbor’s doors looking for it and couldn’t find it. She didn’t get much sleep that night.
The next morning she put out posters with a reward for anyone who would find her little dog. She went to the dog pound. She went to all the Veterinary offices… and she prayed. A few days later she had a knock on her door and there were three kids with a little dog in their arms. The little dog jumped into her arms and licked her in the face. The woman wept for joy. She grabbed that little dog and just held it and never wanted to let go of it.
That’s how we ought to act when a person is sorry for their sins. It shouldn’t matter what the sin was or who it might have hurt or how many times they might have failed before. We should rejoice and maybe cry and maybe just want to hold them because that’s how God feels about us when we come back to him.
Look for the lost with all your effort, don’t give up and when you find them don’t be ashamed to rejoice.

Update on Mark Perkins


Anointing Jesus