Church: Social Club or Hospital?

Someone told me awhile back that the church is not a social club for the spiritually elite but more like a hospital for the spiritually sick. Remember, the church is people. It's fun for Christians to associate with each other, to invite each other into our homes, to go to Gospel Meetings and Singings and see old friends. I guess those things are part of the joys and blessings of being a Christian and are to be valued, but not if in so doing we neglect to recognize and help those who are spiritually sick... whose lives may be in shambles because of the poor choices they have made. In Luke 5:30-32 the Pharisees, who thought they were the spiritually elite, asked Jesus why he ate with tax collectors and sinners? Jesus responded, "They that are in health have no need of a physician, but those who are sick do. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." Jesus compares being sick with being a sinner. He has the medicine that heals the disease. We are the physicians assistants who help with that healing process. Let's seek out the sick so they can be healed.

Good Neighbors (2006)


Two Women