Becoming Jesus

2 Corinthians 3:1-18 is a text that recalls when Moses was on Mt Sinai in the presence of God. That nearness had the effect of causing Moses’ face to shine like the sun. In fact when Moses came down off the mountain he had to wear a veil over his face it was so bright. That is compared to what happens is in the presence of Jesus Christ. It is like looking into a spiritual mirror and viewing Jesus Christ. As we gaze into that mirror we are transformed into the same spiritual image. There are at least three things involved in that transformation. 1 John 5:18 states that those begotten of God do not sin, Jesus had no sin in him and we cannot have sin in us. We have to develop such a hatred for sin that it becomes impossible for us to engage in it. Matthew 11:29, states that we are to take the “yoke” of Jesus and “learn” about him. If we’re going to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ we need to have a deep and intimate knowledge of who he is. Philippians 2:1-7, states that Jesus was a servant and we must also become servants to each other… a community of servants. We can be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ by committing ourselves to being free of sin, by learning of Jesus and by living lives of service to others. We are not called upon to evangelize the world. We are called upon to become Jesus Christ. Take care of that and the world will be evangelized.

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The Humor of Jesus