How to Work (1 July 07)
I work a lot of kids from time to time. Some kids aren't used to working and need supervision. Sometimes I give a job to do and when I get back the bare minimum has been done. Usually that has to do with how well the parents have trained them. I worked a kid last week whose family owns a ranch. He is used to building fence and really a lot of labor intensive work. Zach was working at the clinic last week and we needed a tool so I sent him to my house to get it. When he got back I noticed there were about six tools in the back of my truck. Later we needed to air up a tire on a wheelbarrow so I sent him back for my portable air compressor. When I checked on him later I didn't see my air compressor... I saw my other wheelbarrow.
The best kind of workers are those who don't need supervision and those who look ahead and try to anticipate what we might need next. I like workers who do not just follow orders but who also try to understand the job and make meaningful suggestions.
The Lord's work is a lot like that. The Lord gives us work to do and really not much supervision... we'll give account of ourselves at the end of the job. To those who work hard he will bless with more ability and responsibility... make them better, more efficient workers. As a loving Father he realizes we may make mistakes in our labors, and I think overlook those mistakes. The one mistake he won't overlook is... not trying.
Read the parable of the talents in Mt. 25. What kind of worker are you?
Doc Mayfield told me that his dad was a plumber and when he was a kid his dad told him to dig a trench that had a quarter inch drop every foot. I think Doc was 10 or 11 at the time. When Doc's dad got back and saw Doc just sitting around and the job not done... he didn't say one word... he just got his belt out and whipped the tar out of him. When he came back the next time the job was done. Doc says he loved that old man.