Arm Wrestling and Benevolence
I did a little benevolence work tonight. Julie and I were in the Luby’s parking lot after services tonight fixing to go in and get something to eat and a big black guy came up to me a little down on his luck and needing some work and some money. He had to be about 6’3” and pretty stout so I told him if he could beat me arm wrestling I would give him $10. He laughed and I don’t think he thought I was serious but I slapped my arm down on the hood of the car and we arm wrestled. Even though I beat him I still gave him the $10.
But then he told me he needed work and he didn’t have the best of records. I gave him my name and phone number and got his name and phone number and I think I may have a job lined up for him. We’ll see. I do feel a special kinship with him though… arm wrestling does that for you.
If you need a worker… call me.