A few weeks ago a client brought in a sick puppy. It was hypothermic and comatose and when I looked at its gums I knew immediately what was wrong with it...Hookworm anemia. You see those little Hookworms have teeth...they bite the intestine and make it bleed and then feed on the blood. I told the client that the puppy needed a blood transfusion to survive but was so close to death that it might die just due to the stress associated with giving the blood. She said for me to go ahead and try and to spare no expense. I took 30 cc of whole blood from a donor and as I started infusing the blood into the puppy I could see him slowly getting stronger. In an hour he was standing up and barking and wanting to go home. Blood has an amazing affect. The owner cried with joy when she took that puppy home.
We're an awfully lot like that sick puppy. Our lives are wrecked with sin and a lot of times we are so deep in sin we don't even realize the harm we are doing to ourselves. Sin is like an illness that slowly saps us of our strength and can ultimately kill us. The cure for that illness, just like for that of the sick puppy, is blood. Christ's blood restores life to us and not just any kind of life but good healthy lives for us on this earth, to say nothing about eternal life. While the life of a christian is not necessarily an easy life it is a good life that builds us up. We can have the benefit of Christ's blood by simply believing in him. We contact his blood through the waters of baptism.
I wish I could be like that puppy's owner and take some of you to the Great Physician and tell him to baptize you and cure you of your spiritual illness, but I can't do that...you have to do it yourselves.
If you haven't received the life giving blood of Christ...don't wait...it will make you stand up and bark.