Planting Seed

I’m big into gardening. Sometimes when I plant seed it doesn’t germinate. Sometimes it doesn’t germinate because I plant it too deep or too shallow or there is not enough moisture or too much moisture or the soil is not at the right temperature. Sometimes it’s just bad seed. Good seed planted according to the directions will germinate and properly cared for it will grow and flourish. It is a fact of nature. Another fact of nature is that God’s Word is good seed. When it is planted in the proper conditions it will grow and flourish. If we’re planting God’s seed and it does not grow it’s not a seed problem… it’s a planting problem. If we’re planting rice in the Sahara desert we’re probably not going to be successful growing rice. If we’re planting God’s seed in the hearts of people who care nothing about God’s Word we’re going to have similar results. Jesus knew that. That’s why he went to the discarded people of Jewish society; the prostitutes, the dishonest Tax Collectors, the unrighteous, etc. He had some seed that when planted in their hearts could change their lives and who they were… and it did. I know how to plant tomato seeds. If they don’t come up it’s a seed problem so I go buy new seed. If we’re having problems with God’s seed we better reconsider how and where we are planting it… the problem is not with the seed.

Lessons from pets


Imagine two families.