
Mark Perkins, Greg Perins, Scott Perkins, Jim Perkins, Mike Perkins and Sharron Perkins Wade. When I was a kid I loved reading paperback western novels. I read a lot of novels by Zane Grey and Max Brand but my favorites were those written by Louis Lamour. Lamour had a series of westerns that chronicled the Sackett family. The Sacketts were a family of mountain folk. They scattered all over the west and fought Indians and trailed cattle herds and the like. What I liked most about them is that when one of their own was in trouble Sacketts from all over the west would come to help out. I’ve always thought about the Perkins family as being like the Sacketts. We’re all scattered but when we need to we’ll all come together; weddings, funerals, Grandma’s 90 birthday party and now for our cousin Mark Perkins who is in a different kind of fight… a fight for his life. Perkins’ are coming together for him from all over. The church should be like that too… fiercely loyal to each other, sharing laughter, sharing tears and sharing our lives together and fighting to protect our family. Oneness in families doesn’t happen overnight it is forged on the crucible of time. I still have all of my Louis Lamour paperbacks and every once in a while I get them out. They are old and brittle and tattered now but I still like reading about their adventures and the great Sackett family. I also like seeing families come together and look out after their own… like my physical family and spiritual family have done for my cousin Mark. Thanks.

Obama, David Smitherman and Bill Clinton


Lessons from pets