The Progressive Nature of Two Becoming One Flesh
Ephesians 5 speaks about a husband becoming “one flesh” with his wife. Husbands and wives become “one flesh” at the point of their marital union. However, there is a progressive oneness that develops in the relationship. That is… the quality of the oneness improves.
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 in speaking against casual sexual relationships between a man and a woman (or a prostitute) argues that improper sexual relationships corrupt the relationship we have with Christ by making us “one flesh” with a prostitute.
So by definition we can become “one flesh” with a woman merely by engaging in sex with her. The quality of that kind of oneness is minimal and transitory… even destructive. Certainly the oneness of marriage cannot be compared to the oneness of a casual sexual relationship with a woman that we may barely know.
A husband and wife become one as they experience life’s trials and joys together. Trust and confidence replace doubt and suspicion so that the relationship can grow. A seed is planted and the young sapling grows into a sturdy tree that can withstand the perils of drought and wind.
The relationship is a progressive one and the two become “one flesh” as they live up to their marital responsibilities as outlined in the scriptures. Too often marital couples despair at the troubles they have and lack faith in God’s transforming promise. Ephesians 5:32 calls it a great mystery and I suppose it is because it is better experienced than explained. Have faith in God and what he can do for you.