The Old Ways

I own a White Mountain hand crank ice cream machine. Most people use electric ice cream machines… not me… mine has to be cranked by hand. It takes 20 – 30 minutes to make ice cream. Julie keeps threatening to buy an electric one but I won’t let her. I prefer to crank mine by hand. Years ago I heard from an old guy that when tractors first came out that many farmers were resistant to them. They said things like, “I can make a better crop with mules than with tractors” or “If you buy a tractor then you have to go and buy gas…”
Some people like the old ways and are resistant to change. I’m that way about church too… I believe in the old ways… the Bible ways; singing without instrumental accompaniment, baptism by immersion, taking the Lord’s Supper every week, etc.
Cranking ice cream by hand or farming with mules is a personal choice that we can do or not do, but things related to church come from God. God knows what kind of worship he wants and we should respect that.
I like to hand crank ice cream because it reminds me of good times at my grandparents house when I would take turns with my cousins turning that crank. Those memories are pleasing and precious to me. I worship God the old way because it pleases Him and pleasing Him pleases me too.

Fishers of Men


Church News Nov 2, 2008