Greetings and the "Holy Kiss"

1 Cor 16:20, “Greet each other with a holy kiss”.

This instruction is given five times in the New Testament and yet it is not something that is ordinarily seen among Christians today. Most say that it was a custom of the times and the emphasis should be not on the “kiss” but on the greeting.

Christians are to greet each other… they are not to ignore each other. A greeting denotes a sense of worth. When we greet each other we recognize even on a minimal basis that the other person exists. The warmth of the greeting is directly proportional to the sense of worth we feel for the person.

As an Elder, I position myself at the exit of the auditorium and try to shake hands with every person that I can. In Preacher vernacular that’s “shaking them out”.

Sometimes people complain that they don’t know everyone. Solution? Stand shoulder to shoulder with me at the back door and you can get to know everyone.

A few years back Julie and I were in Las Vegas for some continuing education. We visited at a church and I remember thinking, this church must get a lot of visitors. On the way out I shook hands with the Preacher and then decided I would help that church with their hospitality. So I stood right next to the Preacher and shook hands and introduced myself to everyone in that building. Hospitality and greeting are not just the responsibility of the home congregation… visitors have a responsibility as well.

You know if Jesus Christ visited our assembly I’ll bet everyone would stand in line to shake his hand. Remember what he said, “… as often as you have done it to one of these you have done it to me”.

I’m all for the Holy kiss… just tell me which you want (handshake/holy kiss) as you exit the building.

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