Helping the Lost

Romans chapter twelve describes the kind of life that God wants his people to live. These verses provide a model for Christian living that describes how God’s people should interact with other people.

The purpose for this model is two fold. First, God’s diagram for living provides for happy lives. God loves his people, he wants them to be happy and he wants his people to love him for what he does for them.

Secondly, this model for Christian living presents his greatest tool for bringing non-believers to Him… His instructions personified in living form. The theory of Christian living becomes living and breathing fact.

1 Peter 3:15, says that non-believers will ask questions about God based on what they see in the lives of his followers. Christians are living conversion machines who don’t, necessarily, have to go out seeking converts but who, because of the way they live, attract the converts to them.

So why don’t we see more non-believers flocking into churches asking questions?

Because Christians tend to park their lives in churches and among friends who are already Christians or friends who aren’t Christians but who lead pretty good lives. Or they just isolate themselves from everyone.

Jesus did his best work among the morally degraded people of his day… people who had wrecked their lives through the ravages of sinful excess.

My advice would be to share your lives with the kind of people Jesus shared his life with. We are after all powerfully equipped to turn these people to God and all we have to do is present our lives to those who need it the worst. The questions will come.

Boy Scouts at Parkway


Survey Results: What can Congregation do to Help Personal Growth