The Local Church
A local church is a collection of Christians who have committed themselves to the Lord and to each other. They assemble on a regular basis to engage in certain activities revealed in the Bible for the purpose of building a diverse group of people into one unified group of people. Individuals grow by coming to a complete understanding of God’s teachings, by living according to these teachings and by living lives of service to each other and to the world. The local church aids in this process.
When considering what we do when we assemble; Lord’s Supper, Pray, Sing, Offering and Bible teaching, we must consider how these activities relate to the function of the church. These activities (and others) help to build us into one people. Therefore, we ought to take a critical look at how we perform these activities to see if we are effectively employing them for the purpose of growing Christians. In future weeks I want to examine each of our assembly activities for the purpose of increasing our effectiveness.
When considering what we do when we assemble; Lord’s Supper, Pray, Sing, Offering and Bible teaching, we must consider how these activities relate to the function of the church. These activities (and others) help to build us into one people. Therefore, we ought to take a critical look at how we perform these activities to see if we are effectively employing them for the purpose of growing Christians. In future weeks I want to examine each of our assembly activities for the purpose of increasing our effectiveness.