We Need a Tutor

It’s interesting to me that the book of Romans, which was written to Christians from a non-Jewish back ground, contains so many references to Jewish concepts.

I think it infers necessarily, that when Paul wrote Romans he was writing to non-Jews who were well versed in the Jewish scriptures.

So what?

Well, a lot of times when we want to bring people to Christianity we want to start in the New Testament and teach about Jesus. Maybe we should follow Paul’s example and teach about God first, i.e. teach the Old Testament.

Galations 3:24, after all, tells us that the Law is a tutor to bring us to Christ.

So especially with people who come from countries where there is a very limited exposure to the Bible, we need to tutor them on who God is and how he has interacted historically with man kind so that they can understand better who Jesus is.

Rome, Italy


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