Why Law?

Romans chapters 4-5 contain a big section on law and the consequences of violating law. The text makes the point that if there were no law then there would also be no penalty.

So the question arises why do we need law especially since the punishment (eternal condemnation) is so harsh? Did God just make some arbitrary laws so he could catch us and punish us when we violated them?

The answer is that man needs law and God gave us laws so we could live better lives. Laws are for our betterment. These laws and our welfare are so important to God that he linked punishment together with violation of law.

I’m afraid that if there were no punishment attached to law then we would still be living lawlessly. Man needs law and he needs law that has consequences.

Sometimes excessive laws seem confining and heavy (like the Mosaic Law) and are like a boss that micromanages at a job. God sent Jesus to abolish the old law and establish a new law of liberty which compared to the Mosaic Law is a greatly simplified law.

Imagine the relief of the Jews when they accepted Christianity and began life without the burden of the Mosaic Law. I think we fail to really appreciate the New Law as a law of liberty because we never had to live under the Old Law with all its features of micromanagement.

Try living under the Old Law for a year or so… you’ll love the New Law.

Jack Pence


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