Lessons Last Week
We had a great series of lessons from Berry Kercheville last week-end. As I said before there are three characteristics of preaching that make a lesson great for me.
First, is it relevant or applicable to me? I can’t get too excited about lessons on Evolution or things like Baptism. I’ve already been baptized and I don’t believe in Evolution. These lessons on saving others though, have a great and direct application for me. I love sharing the Word with others and want to do it in as effective a way as possible.
Secondly, I like lessons that reveal things about God’s Word that I have never thought of before. I’m pretty familiar with the Bible so when a preacher can open my mind to see things in the scriptures that I have never thought of before, well… that’s special.
Thirdly, I love a lesson that can evoke an emotional response from me. Kercheville did that. At times I was laughing and at times I was crying.
All preachers that I know of preach the truth but when the truth is preached and it does these three things for me then it’s special.
First, is it relevant or applicable to me? I can’t get too excited about lessons on Evolution or things like Baptism. I’ve already been baptized and I don’t believe in Evolution. These lessons on saving others though, have a great and direct application for me. I love sharing the Word with others and want to do it in as effective a way as possible.
Secondly, I like lessons that reveal things about God’s Word that I have never thought of before. I’m pretty familiar with the Bible so when a preacher can open my mind to see things in the scriptures that I have never thought of before, well… that’s special.
Thirdly, I love a lesson that can evoke an emotional response from me. Kercheville did that. At times I was laughing and at times I was crying.
All preachers that I know of preach the truth but when the truth is preached and it does these three things for me then it’s special.