From Good to Better

I read an article awhile back about a college basketball coach and his star player. The star player was consistently good and was satisfied with being good but the coach knew he could be even better. The coach in his efforts to motivate his player to greatness reviewed for his player what he had “left on the floor” i.e., scoring opportunities he had missed.

I see some of the same things in families. Parents raise pretty good kids but could better parenting skills result in better kids? Could good kids turn into exceptional kids?

The reality is our kids are going to have a huge impact on our future happiness. Will our children have excellent morals, will they be true to a mate, will they in turn be good parents and create… grand children? Will they excel in life?

So, how do we develop better parenting skills? To be better parents we must go to the author of parenting to get the basic fundamental principles of parenting. In addition, the scriptures authorize another concept… wise counselors. For instance, the scriptures instruct older women to teach the younger women how to love their kids. How interesting.

In future weeks I plan to explore parenting in more detail.

In my opinion, teach a kid respect, how to work and the value of earning things and you won’t have left much “on the floor”.



Victoria Anne Perkins