Romans 2:6-10

Two outcomes of judgment are revealed in this text; glory, honor and incorruption, eternal life is compared with wrath, indignation, tribulation and anguish.

Eternal life, et al, is gained by those engaged in “a patient spirit of well doing”.
Anguish, et al, is gained by being “factious” and “obeying not the truth”.

The question is what is “obeying not the truth”? Some might say it is refusing to accept Christ in the waters of baptism or refusing to assemble and the like. Contextually, “obeying not the truth” must mean the opposite of “a patient spirit of well doing”.

In fact, Jesus calls us to live sin free lives that are characterized by works of service to others, not self serving lives. “Obeying the truth” is following Jesus’ example of seeing after the needs of others, whatever those needs might be.

So while it is important to be in a relationship with God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, that relationship calls for us to be a people of action.

Those who are patiently and stedfastly engaged in well doing will reap eternal life. Those who are not will reap eternal anguish.

Cecilia Garza


How To Save the Jews