Two Great Cities

There were two great cities, Nineveh and Jerusalem, with a lot of similarities and one big difference.

One was a gentile city and one was a Jewish city.

They both were large and important cities. One was the capital of Syria… the other the Capital of Judah.

They were both extremely wicked cities.

God sent prophets to both cities, Jonah to Nineveh and 150 years later Jeremiah to Jerusalem, to correct the wickedness. Both cities were given ultimatums and threatened with destruction unless they repented.

One city listened to the prophet and repented and was spared destruction. The other city molested the prophet of God and refused to repent and was destroyed with great misery and violence.

Why Jonah? Why does the Bible contain a book about the salvation of a gentile city? Jonah’s message to Nineveh was written as a message to Jerusalem. Unfortunately, 150 years later, Jerusalem failed to heed it and suffered great destruction at the hands of the Babylonians.

Hadassah (Esther)


Mordecai the Magnificent