Three Kinds of Believers

There is a theme that runs through the book of Hebrews that warns Christians about the possibility of falling away.

Hebrews 5 & 6 describes three categories of believers: Those who are believers but are failing to grow, believers who are growing and believers who have completely fallen away.

Each group is addressed.

Those who are failing to grow need to be re-taught and be more diligent in their Christian growth (5:11-12, 3:12)

Those who are actively growing need to be teaching and bearing fruit (5:12, 6:7)

Those who have completely fallen away cannot be brought back (6:6)

Failing to grow is due to laziness and lack of effort (6:10-12). Let’s be diligent and help ourselves and each other reach heaven before we drift so far that we cannot be brought back.

Shooting at Starry Gun Range with Int'l Students


The Unforgivable Sin