Introductions and Conclusions

Introductions and conclusions in a letter are generally short summations of what is contained in the letter. A conclusion is usually a restatement of the introduction.

Compare the introduction and conclusion in the Roman letter… for instance.

In 1:11, Paul wants to help “establish” the roman Christians. The same thing in the conclusion (16:25) “Now to him that is able to establish you…”

In 1:2, “the Gospel which he promised through “his prophets in the Holy scriptures”. In 16:25, “my Gospel… now manifested… by the scriptures of the prophets”.

In 1:5, “unto obedience of faith among all the nations”. In 16:26, “made known unto all the nations unto obedience of faith”.

See the similarities?

So from the introduction and conclusion (which agree with each other) we can say that the part in between is an expansion of the introduction and conclusion.

Specifically then the letter to the Romans is about being established in the Gospel through the preaching about Jesus Christ and the obedience of faith. It is for all nations, as has been revealed by the prophets in the scriptures. To God be the glory.

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