Cargile Hayride and Wiener Roast
Fall Hayride and Wiener Roast
Saturday, November 20, 2010
2:00 pm (games begin) to 8:00 pm
599 FM 534
Lagarto, Texas
Hayride will begin promptly at 4:00 pm What to bring:
1. wieners and buns and drinks for your family (paper goods, condiments, chile, cheese, etc. willbe provided) bring desert only if you’re willing to share
2. boots, jeans and jackets are recommended (there are lots of stickers), a quilt and lawn chair if you want something more comfy than metal chairs
3. for those with small children, bring their jammies and toothbrush and you can run them through the bathtub and dress them for bed for the ride home (talk to Gail if your need more info)
Directions from Corpus Christi:
(the drive from La Palmera Mall on SPID is approximately 1 hour)
Go I-37 north and exit 77 South toward Kingsville. After going over the overpass immediately get in the right lane and exit onto FM 624/Northwest Blvd. Turn right at intersection (Wal-Mart will then be on your left then you will pass Calallen High School on your right). Go approx. 18 miles to Orange Grove. At the 4-way-stop in Orange Grove turn right onto FM 359 toward Mathis. Proceed about 4 miles and turn left onto FM 534. If you get to Sandia, you missed the turn. After turning onto FM 534 go about 12 miles. You will pass the Mesquite Inn/534 Club on your left. Keep going 1 more mile through the curve and you will see a little green “Lagarto”
sign on the right. Slow down and turn left when you see the 2 new little white “Old Lagarto School” sign and Lagarto Community Club sign. Go down the little blacktop road, through the school parking lot and you will be at our gate. Continue down the lane to the old hay barn near the house to unload and then park your car at the fence in the usual place.
If it is raining in Corpus, please give us a call at the ranch to get the weather conditions there.
Our cell phones are not reliable at the ranch. The land line at Lagarto is 361-547-3808. Just in case, our cell phones are Gail: 215-1682, Gus: 215-1680.
If you want to ride around the ranch, play some games (Rob is planning on volleyball) you must come early in the day to take advantage of the daylight before the hayride.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
2:00 pm (games begin) to 8:00 pm
599 FM 534
Lagarto, Texas
Hayride will begin promptly at 4:00 pm What to bring:
1. wieners and buns and drinks for your family (paper goods, condiments, chile, cheese, etc. willbe provided) bring desert only if you’re willing to share
2. boots, jeans and jackets are recommended (there are lots of stickers), a quilt and lawn chair if you want something more comfy than metal chairs
3. for those with small children, bring their jammies and toothbrush and you can run them through the bathtub and dress them for bed for the ride home (talk to Gail if your need more info)
Directions from Corpus Christi:
(the drive from La Palmera Mall on SPID is approximately 1 hour)
Go I-37 north and exit 77 South toward Kingsville. After going over the overpass immediately get in the right lane and exit onto FM 624/Northwest Blvd. Turn right at intersection (Wal-Mart will then be on your left then you will pass Calallen High School on your right). Go approx. 18 miles to Orange Grove. At the 4-way-stop in Orange Grove turn right onto FM 359 toward Mathis. Proceed about 4 miles and turn left onto FM 534. If you get to Sandia, you missed the turn. After turning onto FM 534 go about 12 miles. You will pass the Mesquite Inn/534 Club on your left. Keep going 1 more mile through the curve and you will see a little green “Lagarto”
sign on the right. Slow down and turn left when you see the 2 new little white “Old Lagarto School” sign and Lagarto Community Club sign. Go down the little blacktop road, through the school parking lot and you will be at our gate. Continue down the lane to the old hay barn near the house to unload and then park your car at the fence in the usual place.
If it is raining in Corpus, please give us a call at the ranch to get the weather conditions there.
Our cell phones are not reliable at the ranch. The land line at Lagarto is 361-547-3808. Just in case, our cell phones are Gail: 215-1682, Gus: 215-1680.
If you want to ride around the ranch, play some games (Rob is planning on volleyball) you must come early in the day to take advantage of the daylight before the hayride.