The Failure of Preaching (Ezra 9&10)
Problem: Violation of Exodus 34 and Numbers 32… marrying foreign women.
Extent: The sons of the High Priest had married foreign women.
Identification: It was brought to the attention of Ezra… not the High Priest.
Assumption: The High Priest had not been preaching on the subject.
Fallout: Because of the failure of preaching and the failure of example the violation had spread throughout Judah.
The Fix: Get rid of the wives and their children… tough fix… tougher than not marrying them in the first place.
Conclusion: The “Failure of Preaching” is not preaching the whole of God’s word. When preaching fails people fail and have to go through the sometimes painful process of getting right with God. Preach to prevent problems.
Extent: The sons of the High Priest had married foreign women.
Identification: It was brought to the attention of Ezra… not the High Priest.
Assumption: The High Priest had not been preaching on the subject.
Fallout: Because of the failure of preaching and the failure of example the violation had spread throughout Judah.
The Fix: Get rid of the wives and their children… tough fix… tougher than not marrying them in the first place.
Conclusion: The “Failure of Preaching” is not preaching the whole of God’s word. When preaching fails people fail and have to go through the sometimes painful process of getting right with God. Preach to prevent problems.