Church News

Travis Keyes, Kathy Meyr's dad, has been sick... please pray.

We had two international students at services Sunday night, one from Columbia and one from Turkey. The one from Columbia understood most of what we studied in class and said he appreciated the interactive format.

We continue to have our conversation groups with the international students on Fridays at 4 pm. Jeff has started taking some of them home with him on Friday evenings so they can get a taste of americana. Last week we had Jeff, David, Sandy, Walker and myself at the meeting but the most regular ones are David and Jeff.

We played softball on Sunday night. We were short on numbers but everyone had a good time including the two international students, Milli and Oscar.

Michelle Christie shared some good news with me. She competed for and won a scholarship that will also benefit her by lowering her tuition rates.

Check out the pics of the two newest babies in the congregation posted below.



Anna Faith Vaughan