A Bum or Not a Bum?
Walker and I were pulling my boat out of the water on Tuesday and a guy that looked like a bum walked up and tried to sell us a few things. He looked like a bum but he had an old car… most bums have no transportation. He needed to sell some things because he needed to buy gas. The trouble was I didn’t really want anything he had so I just handed him a five dollar bill. His response surprised me he said he wasn’t looking for a handout. I said, that’s OK you’re not a bum I just don’t need anything you have and I want to help you. He walked away and came back with a pocket knife and gave it to me and said he couldn’t just take my money.
Lesson learned… just because a guy looks like a bum doesn’t mean he is. Thank you Lord… I needed that lesson.
Lesson learned… just because a guy looks like a bum doesn’t mean he is. Thank you Lord… I needed that lesson.