Who is the Greatest?
Mark 9:33-50. Who is the greatest?
While traveling with his disciples Jesus perceived that they were disputing with each other about who the greatest disciple would be. Some of Jesus’ actions may have contributed to this argument because Jesus did upon occasion choose Peter, James and John for preferential treatment (Transfiguration, etc.)
Jesus sat them down and addressed the issue. He told them that to be “first” one must be “last”. And then he illustrated the issue by taking a child in their midst and holding the child in his arms and stating, “Whosoever shall receive one of such little children in my name… receives me…” Conversely (verse 42), if they were to cause one of these “little ones who are believers” to stumble… it would be better for them to take their chances with a millstone around the neck and be thrown into the ocean.
The disciples in their “disputing” about who the greatest was were potentially causing some of their number to stumble. The concept of elevating one person necessarily involves the lowering of another.
The disciples should have been receiving each other like little children who are believers instead of disputing and possibly causing one of their number to stumble.
The chapter concludes with this, “Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another”.
Don’t dispute, don’t cause to stumble… be at peace with each other and God will be at peace with you.
While traveling with his disciples Jesus perceived that they were disputing with each other about who the greatest disciple would be. Some of Jesus’ actions may have contributed to this argument because Jesus did upon occasion choose Peter, James and John for preferential treatment (Transfiguration, etc.)
Jesus sat them down and addressed the issue. He told them that to be “first” one must be “last”. And then he illustrated the issue by taking a child in their midst and holding the child in his arms and stating, “Whosoever shall receive one of such little children in my name… receives me…” Conversely (verse 42), if they were to cause one of these “little ones who are believers” to stumble… it would be better for them to take their chances with a millstone around the neck and be thrown into the ocean.
The disciples in their “disputing” about who the greatest was were potentially causing some of their number to stumble. The concept of elevating one person necessarily involves the lowering of another.
The disciples should have been receiving each other like little children who are believers instead of disputing and possibly causing one of their number to stumble.
The chapter concludes with this, “Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another”.
Don’t dispute, don’t cause to stumble… be at peace with each other and God will be at peace with you.