Sunday Evening Schedule

Sunday Evening Series (March - May)

Mar. 7 (Exo 1) God Protects Baby Moses. Raul C.

Mar. 14 (Exo 2) God Prepares Moses to Lead His People. Don

Mar. 21 (Exo 3:1-7:7) God Call's Moses to Deliver Israel. Rob

Mar. 28 (Exo. 7:10-8:32) God Sends Plagues on Egypt. Joey

Apr. 4 (Exo 9 - 10) God Sends More Plagues. Steve

Apr. 11 (Exo 11:1-13:10) God Passes over the Land. Jeff

Apr. 18 (Exo 13:11-14:31) God Delivers His People from Egypt. Shane

Apr. 25 (Exo 15:1-17:7) God Provides for Israel. Walker

May 2 (Exo 17:8-18:27) Moses Judges Israel. Raul C.

May 9 (Exo 19) God Visit's Mt. Sinai. Don

May 16 (Exo 20) God Gives Israel a New Law. Rob

May 23 (Exo 31-34) God Discipline's His People. Joey

May 30 (Exo 35-40) God's Glory Fills the Tabernacle. Steve

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